The spiny turtle has not thrived in captivity and relatively little is known of its breeding habits. Mating behaviour is apparently stimulated by rains, with males becoming excited when sprayed with water in captivity, chasing females in an attempt to mount. Nesting behaviour is unknown in the wild, but generally one or two eggs are laid per clutch (clutches containing three eggs have been recorded) in captivity, usually at night or in the early morning.
The spiny turtle is apparently herbivorous in the wild, preferring fruits and vegetables, but will accept some animal foods in captivity
The spiny turtle ranges throughout Southeast Asia, from Thailand and possibly southern Myanmar southward through Malaysia to Sumatra, Borneo and Natuna, numerous small Indonesian Islands and the Philippines
Spiny turtle is an endangered
Like most Asian turtle species, the spiny turtle is in grave danger of extinction due to over-collection from the wild for the Asian food market and international pet trade, as well as being threatened by the destruction of its habitat.
Wild populations are thought to be plummeting, particularly in Indonesia, where they are considered Critically Endangered and known trade volumes have recently declined by about 50 %. Elsewhere, the species is restricted to small and isolated populations over much of its range.
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