Super-Earths, the Planets That Could Support Alien Life

The best current candidate for life are the super-Earths: planets similar to, but much larger than ours. With thick atmospheres and high temperatures, conditions on a super-Earth will be very strange, and it's likely the planet will be very tectonically active, but it might have a magentic field to protect life from radiation.

Life thrives in a huge ocean
A super-Earth could be completely covered by a deep ocean. The mantle consists of a thick layer of ice, which is only formed under high pressure. According to astrophysicists, an inner rock mantle is located beneath the thick ice cap. The mantle probably generates a protective magnetic field.

Living organisms need Earth-like conditions
Exoplanets the size of the Earth probably have a geology very much like ours. A solid iron core surrounded by a liquid core with a flow that generates a magnetic field. Tectonic plates move slowly about on top of the mantle.

Earthquakes and volcanoes provide vital nutrients
A massive super-globe could feature an outer mantle with a strong heat flow, on which tectonic plates  float. The geology will be violent with huge A mountain ranges, but lots of earthquakes and active volcanoes will bring nutrients to the surface.

Source: Science Illustrated Magazine